What does it mean to be Christian?
Being a Christian means believing the Good News about Jesus Christ. The word Gospel means “good news” and is a helpful acrostic.
God created us to be in relationship with Him. (Genesis 1:26-27)
Our sins separate us from God. (Isaiah 59:2)
Sins cannot be removed by good works. (Psalm 51:16; Romans 3:23)
Paying the price for our sin, Jesus Christ lived, died, and rose again. (Acts 2:22-24)
Everyone who trusts Jesus alone will have life with him. (John 11:25-26)
Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever.
What does it mean to be Reformed?
Reformed Christians are a small part of a much larger body of believers who love and serve Jesus Christ.
Cornelius Plantinga writes: Our accents lie more on the sovereignty of God, on the authority of Scripture, on
the need for disciplined holiness in personal Christian life, and finally, on Christianity as a religion of the Kingdom.
—A Sure Thing: What We Believe and Why (Grand Rapids: CRC Publications, 2001, p. 281)
What does it mean to be the Church?
The church is not a building, but a part of the body of believers with a specific nature and purpose. Here at Cragmor we are a part of the Christian Reformed Church in North America, but our denomination belongs to a large group of churches from the protestant tradition. As the church today is composed of several denominations and traditions, we welcome all backgrounds and traditions to come alongside and worship with us. The church is not for the perfect; it is for God’s children, and we invite you to stop by and join us in worshiping the one true God.